Health System Tracker: 2020 Excess Deaths per 100,000 Population for 9 Countries as of August 16, 2020

  1. U.S.: 85.2
  2. Austria: 12.6
  3. Belgium: 62.5
  4. France: 37.0
  5. Germany: 4.2
  6. Netherlands: 49.0
  7. Sweden: 39.7
  8. Switzerland: 6.3
  9. U.K.: 87.4
Notes: Excess deaths represent the number of deaths exceeding what is expected in a typical year. From an article entitled, "The pandemic’s effect on the widening gap in mortality rate between the U.S. and peer countries," by By Giorlando Ramirez, Krutika Amin Twitter, and Cynthia Cox.

Source: Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker, October 21, 2020 -…